
I am a percussionist, music-lover, chamber musician, teacher, curator, writer, and life-long learner.

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news, percussion Michael Compitello news, percussion Michael Compitello


A(n HD) video from the premiere of Paul Kerekes’ “Turning,” live at the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival.  Hannah, Paul and I are excited to take the rest of the piece for a spin February 7th, on Yale’s New Music New Haven series!  More information is forthcoming… Not shown: almost two minutes of page re-arranging pre-downbeat.

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news, percussion Michael Compitello news, percussion Michael Compitello

Gestenstucke & Ruckus

Thanks Kevin Clark for posting and Zach Herchen for sharing this video from the inaugural Ruckus Amongstus show last winter at Exapno. In addition to a ton of other great pieces (check out the youtube channel), I joined forces with some other Peabody Alums—Zach Herchen, and Rhymes with Opera-ites George Lam and Robert Maril—to perform "Canon," a movement from Juan María Solare's Gestenstucke, for a quartet of gesturers. We talk so often about musical gestures that it's easy to forgot that the concept of a sonic gesture is essentially a metaphor.  Very few pieces (save Thierry de Mey's Musique de Tables and the emerging genre of "works for solo conductor") engage directly with the physical gesture as meaningful signifiers outside of their sonic result.  As a percussionist, I deal with the relationship between movement and sound fairly frequently.  Still, Solare's decision to map what is typically a sonic process (canon) directly onto gestures is particularly interesting.

Check out Kevin's videos of the other awesome performances from the show (I played Khan Variations and did some improvising) and get ready for the newly reorganized Ruckus CONVENTION in NY this september!


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news, percussion Michael Compitello news, percussion Michael Compitello

C is for


Hannah Lash just sent me this recording of Paul Kerekes and I performing her blistering piano/vibraphone duo C at a New Music New Haven concert last November.  Hannah says that "C is a piece about the expansion of material in a motor-like, additive process.  Its anchor and beginning are the C-octaves, which spin out of the rest of the material in relentless perpetual motion."  To me, the overlapping rhythmic groupings in the piano and vibraphone create a dense harmonic texture that gradually comes in and out of focus throughout the piece . Enjoy!

[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53751935" params="auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=126d25" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]


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